Friday, May 30, 2014

Gates-Funded Duo Pitches Common Core Misinformation | Truth in American Education

Gates-Funded Duo Pitches Common Core Misinformation | Truth in American Education:

Gates-Funded Duo Pitches Common Core Misinformation

Filed in Common Core State Standards by  on May 30, 2014 • 0 Comments
Curt Clawson
Below is a guest article written submitted by Judi Caler.  Her post complements the one I wrote on Wednesday.
Doing What They’re Paid To Do: Gates-funded Duo Pitches Common Core Misinformation
By Judi Caler
It is no surprise that the latest attempt by pro-Common Core advocates to keep Republican candidates from speaking out against Common Core has come from the Thomas B. Fordham Institute’s damage-control team, Michael Brickman and Michael Petrilli. In a recent articleposted on entitled “Opposing Common Core: A Losing Issue, Even in GOP Primaries,” they claim that election results nationwide largely prove that “Republican candidates cannot win over conservative voters by bashing Common Core.”
Tell that to vocal Common Core opponent and political outsider Curt Clawson who handily won the Republican nomination in Florida’s 19th Congressional District against Lizbeth Benacquisto, the choice of GOP establishment and Common Core proponent Jeb Bush! And tell that to Christopher Judy and Curt Nisly who made their rivals’ refusal to end Common Core in Indiana a central issue and won the Republican nominations for Indiana House seats after trouncing entrenched incumbents.
And in Ohio, Brickman and Petrilli got their facts wrong in labeling defeated contender Kelly Kohls as a candidate from “Ohioans against Common Core” (OACC); she was not. They couldn’t even spell Kelly’s first or last name correctly. In fact, according to OACC founder Heidi Huber, “Common Core opponents achieved a huge victory for Tom Brinkman in the 27th Ohio House District against incumbent Peter Stautberg where Common Core was the number one issue. The tipping point in Brinkman’s winning the Republic nomination was the use of hundreds of “GO Brinkman –STOP Common Core” signs throughout the district. That stuck with voters; it was the first time in 18 Gates-Funded Duo Pitches Common Core Misinformation | Truth in American Education:

Jindal Blasts Common Core at Republican Leadership Conference
Somebody looks like they want to run for President.  Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal took another swipe at the Common Core during his remarks at the 2014 Republican Leadership Conference being held this weekend in New Orleans.From KRDO:“I’m against the Common Core, and I don’t want Louisiana to be in the Common Core,” he said to booming applause at the Republican Leadership Conference — the annual
The PARCC contract with Pearson is on hold until New Mexico reviews the bid process New Mexico District Court Judge Sarah Singleton ruled yesterday.The Albuquerque Journal reports:Earlier this month, PARCC awarded the contract to Pearson, an international education company, to administer the new exam, which will be taken online, and to create new test questions in future years. The consortium had