Monday, May 26, 2014

Anti-Common Core Link Banned by Facebook: We Must be Winning the War | Missouri Education Watchdog

Anti-Common Core Link Banned by Facebook: We Must be Winning the War | Missouri Education Watchdog:

Anti-Common Core Link Banned by Facebook: We Must be Winning the War

stotsky facebook
See this notice? Plans to eliminate common core and adopt common core standards are detected to be “unsafe” by Facebook security standards.
Dr. Sandra Stotsky refused to sign off on the ELA Common Core Standards.  She published a plan (in Breitbart) for school districts to stop CCSS implementation in their districts.  When folks tried to share it on Facebook, the above notice appeared.

Oklahoma is the most recent state to try to eliminate the Common Core standards. Many Oklahomans deserve credit for the bill Gov. Mary Fallin (R) may sign this week. The truth, however, is there will be no end to the Gates Foundation effort to eliminate “white privilege” in K-12 with deliberately weak secondary school standards, rather than to strengthen secondary school coursework for all students with academically rigorous and internationally benchmarked standards.

Perhaps the following steps could be taken at the local level to make sure that state boards of education, commissioners, or departments of education don’t select people for drafting a new set of state standards who are committed to Common Core. Despite any legislative oversight that may be built into bills to eliminate Common Core, states trying to extricate themselves from Common Core may yet experience a version of Gov. Mike Anti-Common Core Link Banned by Facebook: We Must be Winning the War | Missouri Education Watchdog: