Saturday, May 17, 2014

A Review of My Book by Someone Who Had Never Heard of Me | deutsch29

A Review of My Book by Someone Who Had Never Heard of Me | deutsch29:

A Review of My Book by Someone Who Had Never Heard of Me

May 17, 2014

D.  Forman had never heard of me. She had never read my blog, and she did not know that I had recently published my first book, A Chronicle of Echoes, a well-researched whistle blower on numerous major players exploiting American public education in the name of “reform.”
She found my book when perusing the site; read the positive reviews by those kind enough to write them, and decided to buy my book.
On May 16, 2014, D. Forman (who also identifies herself as “Ben’s mom,” was kind enough to write her own review.
Here it is, reproduced in full:
May 16, 2014
I was looking for a book that would help me to connect the dots for what has been happening today in America’s Public Schools. I understand the history after reading Charlotte Iserbyt’s Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, but wanted to get a clearer picture of education today and the movers and shakers in the education industry.
Mercedes K. Schneider does a fabulous job of linking those involved in education reform and the tangled web that they weave in a clear and concise picture that those just learning about Common Core and education reform to ones who know a great will benefit from what is explained. Each chapter is on a different player (person or group) and can stand alone as reference material, if you want to learn more about one particular person or group. Reading the book chapter by chapter as I did, left me pondering what I know, and how things are all pieced together. At the end of each chapter I had to soak the information in and often went back to make sure that what I thought was actually what was meant.
A Chronicle of Echoes is a book that will be savored and not read and thrown to the side. It’s given me greater insight and knowledge to a topic that I had a fairly good idea about. It helped me to connect dots from experiences of my 16 years of teaching in Chicago Public Schools, in charter schools, in Georgia, and as an education consultant working with and training teachers all over the country. My mind has been working over time processing what I am 
A Review of My Book by Someone Who Had Never Heard of Me | deutsch29: