Monday, May 5, 2014

5-5-14 Ed Notes Online

Ed Notes Online:

Charter WaitList Balderdash Exposed - Show Us the Names
WAIT, WAIT. DON’T MISLEAD ME! - NINE REASONS TO BE SKEPTICAL ABOUT CHARTER WAITLIST NUMBERS.”I have always challenged the charter lobby wait-list bullshit - challenging them to show is the names. They won't. So with the lobby releasing info today that there are billions and billions of parents clamoring to get their children into the charter plantations so they can be treated like serfs, it was go
WAIT, WAIT. DON’T MISLEAD ME! - Charter Wait List Balderdash Debunked
I've always maintained the charter wait lists are a bunch of lies -- ask them to show you their lists. With Obama proclaiming National Charter Week, the charter lobby is going to trumpet some more phony numbers. A message from the Ravitch bloggers network:Fellow Education Bloggers,This is “National Charter Schools Week.”Even the President is rejoicing with a proclamation:
The contract: Ravitch Raves, MORE Friendly Critic Asks Why 'NO"?
Hi Norm, In face of Diane's latest I see that MORE is planning lots of action to get folks to vote no on the contract.  I wonder if this is such a good idea.  Does anyone consider this is helping to isolate MORE?  I have been following most of the discussion. It is hard to see where MORE's priorities truly lie except against what ever the leadership says or does... a concerned contact Well, I don'

5-4-14 Ed Notes Online Week
Ed Notes Online: Advice to MORE on Contract StrategyNorm, you strike me as a realist. What are your thoughts on getting this voted down?... Roseanne McCosh PS 8xRoseanne asks a good question. Before trying to respond I want to lay down some historical points because being out of schools for a decade I don't have the best feel for the mood of the members, other than the fact that some old supporter