Saturday, May 31, 2014

5-31-14 THE WHOLE WEEK @ The Whole Child Blog — Whole Child Education

The Whole Child Blog — Whole Child Education:

THE WHOLE WEEK @ The Whole Child Blog 

Discover the Flip: Putting Learning at the Center of the Classroom
Post written by Mikaela Dwyer, a journalism student at Southern New Hampshire University in Manchester. She considers herself a human rights activist and spends her time volunteering on campus and with various local nonprofits. After graduation, Dwyer hopes to join the Peace Corps and then become an investigative journalist for human rights issues. Both Jon Bergmann and Aaron Sams, authors of Flip

MAY 29

FIT Teaching: The Tool Kit for High-Quality Teaching and Learning
Get hands-on practice using the new FIT Teaching (Framework for Intentional and Targeted Teaching®) tool kit to help ensure high-quality teaching and learning. Join ASCD authors Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey in a free webinar on June 4 to learn more. Wednesday, June 4, 2014, 4:30 p.m. eastern time Register now! The synergy of all the tools in a teacher's tool kit is what makes for high-quality

MAY 28

Honoring Maya Angelou’s Call To Be Somebody’s Rainbow
In March 2013, Maya Angelou greeted 10,000 ASCD Annual Conference attendees in Chicago, Ill., with a song of hope and gratitude: "When it looked like the sun wouldn’t shine anymore, God put a rainbow in the cloud." It's not just that we have rainbows in the sky, but in the clouds themselves, she explained. So that even when it seems like the rain won't let up, we have something there to

MAY 27

Staying True to Our Roots
Since 1943, ASCD has empowered educators by providing essential programs, products, and services that support the success of each student. Through the years, ASCD's focus has stayed the same: to improve the quality of learning for each student and to provide our leaders with innovative, cutting-edge resources. And as technology advances, ASCD embraces the new possibilities. In our 70th year, the 2

MAY 23

Transforming Schools to Become Innovation Ready
Post written by Laura Varlas Because tests don't require connection and collaboration, classroom education is being driven in one direction, while technology enables creation, curation, and connection. Educators are up against a global achievement gap, Tony Wagner explained in his 2014 ASCD Annual Conference session, "Graduating All Students 'Innovation Ready.'" That is, the gap between