Thursday, May 29, 2014

5-29-14 LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD

LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District):

CWC charter tells LAUSD it wants to stay at Stoner Elementary
CWC Mar Vista Charter School Citizens of the World Mar Vista (CWC) wants to remain a citizen at Stoner Avenue Elementary School in Del Rey next year despite months of bitter fighting between parents of students at the two schools. In a letter sent to LA Unified officials today, CWC denies it missed the district’s deadline to respond to the offer to stay and expand as a co-located school on the Del

Hudley-Hayes’ edge: no other candidate served on school board
Genethia Hudley-Hayes This is the final profile of candidates running for LA Unified’s vacant District 1 board seat. The election is scheduled for June 3, with a possible runoff in August. Genethia Hudley-Hayes is the only candidate who declined to be interviewed for the series. Numerous attempts to reach her and her campaign failed to get a response.  Genethia Hudley-Hayes has one thing none of

Letter to the editor: McKenna responds to our coverage
Editors Note: This letter from George McKenna, candidate for school board in District 1, is in response to an article published on May 16, entitled, “McKenna, leading in school board race, won’t commit on Deasy.” LA School Report stands by our reporting, as well as the accuracy of the excerpted transcript of a taped interview conducted with McKenna after a candidate forum. May 27, 2014 Ms. Jamie
Hendy-Newbill gets a boost with endorsement from Ravitch
Sherlett Hendy-Newbill While UTLA, the Los Angeles teachers union, has endorsed three candidates in next week’s District 1 school board race, one has emerged as first among equals. Sherlett Hendy-Newbill has won the endorsement of the Network for Public Education, a public education advocacy group led by Diane Ravitch, one of the strongest voices in the country opposed to standardized testing and

Morning Read: School construction bond going to voters
$9 billion school construction bond moves toward November ballot Appropriations Committee has finally put a dollar figure to a school construction bond measure that it wants to place on the November ballot: $9 billion. Voter approval to issue new 30-year construction bonds would be the first state financing for facilities for K-12 schools and higher education since voters passed a $10.4 billion sc

5-28-14 LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD
LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District): Tokofsky leaves principals union to join lobbying firmDavid Tokofsky David Tokofsky, a former LA Unified school board member and more recently a strategist for the school administrators union, has joined Englander, Knabe & Allen, a lobbying and public relations firm. He is expected to help grow the fi