Thursday, May 29, 2014

5-29-14 @ The Chalk Face


On the “Success” of a 100% Charter Recovery School District
On May 29, 2014, Lindsey Layton of the Washington Post wrote this article on the conversion of the state-run New Orleans Recovery School District’s (RSD) conversion to charters. I would like to clarify a few of Layton’s glossy statements about RSD. Let us begin with this one: The creation of the country’s first all-charter school system has improved […]

SC, Choose OK, Not FL: Failing Students with Failed Policy
SC, Choose OK, Not FL: Failing Students with Failed Policy. via SC, Choose OK, Not FL: Failing Students with Failed Policy.Filed under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical
Newark’s Failed Experiment Illustrates Reformers’ Overreach
Dale Russakoff’s New Yorker profile, “Schooled,” starts with a description of the dysfunctionality of the Newark Public School System: The ratio of administrators to students—one to six—was almost twice the state average. Clerks made up thirty per cent of the central bureaucracy—about four times the ratio in comparable cities. Even some clerks had clerks, yet […]

5-28-14 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: If The Onion Gets It … : “when the mist distorts the outline of the cypress trees”If The Onion Gets It … : “when the mist distorts the outline of the cypress trees”. via If The Onion Gets It … : “when the mist distorts the outline of the cypress trees”.1 by plthomasedd / 40min 5-27-14 @ The Chalk Face@ THE CHALK FACE: What’s Really Wrong with Advanced Placement Courses and Colleg