Saturday, May 24, 2014

5-24-14 Scathing Purple Musings | Color me purple in Florida ALL Week

Scathing Purple Musings | Color me purple in Florida, red in Washington, dark sky-blue in Israel and public school in Education:

Scathing Purple Musings 

 Color me purple in Florida ALL Week

How Vouchers Killed Education Accountability for Florida Taxpayers
Writes Scott Maxwell in the Orlando Sentinel: “The Return of the Living Dead” was a hoot. “Shaun of the Dead” and “Zombieland” perfected the concept of Zom-Coms. And “Warm Bodies” — with its love story between a brain-eater and non-brain-eater — gave us the first truly effective Rom-Zom-Com. Still, despite all the blood, gore and even zombie dogs I’ve seen in my life, one of the most disturbing zo

MAY 18

The End to Step Up for Students Lobbying and Political Activity With Taxpayer Money: Not Exactly
Journalist turned Step Up for Students  (SUFS) executive Ron Matus is touting that they already have “started” applications for over 100,000 students for Florida’s tax credit scholarship voucher system.  Some sketchy counting got them in hot water during the last legislative session, and they probably won’t be making the same mistake again anytime soon. Still, it’s not clear what Matus mean by “st

MAY 16

Many Florida Districts Underfunded By Convoluted, Unequal FEFP System
So much for that level playing field. From WTSP reporter Noah Pransky: Florida’s Constitution requires the state appropriate funds to school districts in an equitable – but not necessarily equal – way. Since 1973, the legislature has used the Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP) to determine how much money each district gets from the state. Because the state requires local districts to collec