Friday, May 23, 2014

5-23-14 Wait What?

Wait What?:

Wait What? 

Union Leader says Pelto is anti-union?

In recent weeks, one political pundit called me a “union stooge,” while the former Democratic Party Chairman, John Droney, referred to me as a “liberal ideologue.” But this morning, in a “What the _____” moment, the President of SEIU 1199NE, the great union that represents 19,000 Connecticut health care workers issued a press release attacking […] The post Union Leader says Pelto is anti-union? ap

5-22-14 Wait What?
Wait What?: Wait What? Democratic State Central Committee’s legacy of using donations to fight pro-public education DemocratsOne of the newer Wait, What? readers raised a question in the comment section of the blog this week.  They took offense when one of the blog’s longest standing, and most respected readers, realsaramerica pointed out that Governor Dannel “Dan” Malloy and the State Democrats d