Monday, May 19, 2014

5-19-14 With A Brooklyn Accent Go BATs

With A Brooklyn Accent:

Should Labor Historians Encourage A Boycott of Teach for America?
In the last few years, Teach for America has gone out of its way to send its Corps members into cities which have fired large numbers of veteran union teachers- among them Chicago, Newark and Washington DC. Basically, the organization has become a source of replacement labor for cities seeking to close schools, eliminate or weaken teacher tenure, and undermine the power of teachers unions. This r

5-18-14 With A Brooklyn Accent Go BATs
With A Brooklyn Accent: Charter Schools: The Education Equivalent of Subprime MortgagesCharter Schools are looking more and more like the educational equivalent of subprime mortgages---a short cut to greater equity and opportunity that becomes the basis of a huge unregulated industry, which gives entrepreneurs the opportunity to make quick profits, and the very wealthy tax breaks and opportunities