Thursday, May 15, 2014

5-15-14 Schools Matter

Schools Matter:

The common core: Don't forget what the real problem is.
Sent to the Seattle Times, May 15, 2014I think the common core math standards are lousy on purpose, made lousy so that parents will complain ("2+2=What? Parents rail against Common Core math," May 15).The common core architects will then make some adjustments, enough to stop the most vigorous complaints. Many complainers will then be satisfied and the public will be impressed with how op
Schools on Closure List Outperforming Local KIPP Schools
A recent Diane Rehms segment dealt with the continued segregation and resegregation of American schools.  One of the guests and charter school supporter argued that segregation is not so bad: after all, look at the KIPP schools for examples of how poor urban children can have soaring scores in segregated environments. Predictably, the guest said nothing about the fact the KIPPs enroll fewer specia
Schools on Closure List Outperforming Local KIPP Schools
A recent Diane Rehms segment dealt with the continued segregation and resegregation of American schools.  One of the guests and charter school supporter argued that segregation is not so bad: after all, look at the KIPP schools for examples of how poor urban children can have soaring scores in segregated environments. Predictably, the guest said nothing about the fact the KIPPs enroll fewer specia

5-14-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: Study Should Spark New Lawsuits Against Teacher Eval Based on VAMFrom the summary at Brookings:The federal government has spurred the creation of a new generation of teacher evaluation systems at the state level through more than $4 billion in Race to the Top funding to 19 states and No Child Left Behind (NCLB) accountability waivers to 43 states. A majority of states have passed l