Wednesday, May 14, 2014

5-14-14 @ The Chalk Face


Arne Duncan’s “Principal Ambassadors”: Federally Monitored “Local Control”??
A notable corporate reform ploy is to starve school districts of funding and then turn around and offer some “assistance”– which amounts to little more than a district’s selling its autonomy to the corporate reform machine. Corporate reform is flush with cash, and it wants to leverage its cash in order to trap school systems […]

My Interview with Counterpunch
Sacramento jounralist Seth Sandronsky learned of the release of my book, A Chronicle of Echoes, and requested an interview on the book and other issues, including questions about my personal history and varied education reform topics. His interview is posted in the online publication, Counterpunch May 14, 2014  An Interview With Mercedes K. Schneider Bill Gates […]

5-11-14 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: For Mother’s Day, embrace the complicationsIt’s hard for me not to be slightly cynical on special days like this because they’re largely capitalist confections created by skilled marketers. Take a look at how far we’ve come from the original connotations of “Mother’s Day,” from the Zinn History Project. What began as a call to action, now we eat brunch and exchange […]1 by Shaun