Monday, May 12, 2014

5-12-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum Week

Seattle Schools Community Forum:

Lost Decade
Here's something that happens when you move: you handle all of your stuff and you have to ask yourself if you should keep it, sell it, gift it, or toss it. You handle ALL of your stuff. For me, that meant a lot of handouts that I have received from Seattle Public Schools at meetings over the past fourteen years.Among these documents were a number of supposedly important decisions the District had

WSJ Story on RttT Outcomes
There was a story in the Wall Street Journal on May 3 about Race to the Top grants that casts them in a rather dim light. A number of grant winners did not actually move forward with the promised reforms and a number of the reforms did not actually provide any positive outcomes.Surprise, surprise, surprise.A lot of this might be just the usual government incompetence and the hit-or-miss range of r

5-10-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum Week
Seattle Schools Community Forum:Seattle Schools Community ForumLouis C.K. and Common CoreThe blowback from the comedian Louis C.K. and his tweets about Common Core are useful in pointing out some fundamental issues with Common Core.These are issues that ALL public school parents have a right to weigh in on both as taxpayers AND as parents investing their children into public education.  And that,