Sunday, May 11, 2014

5-11-14 Schools Matter

Schools Matter:

KIPP Pre-Ks With 8-9 Hour Days

KIPP's segregated charter reform schools are widely known for their 10 hour days, plus 2 hours of homework each night.  With tons of federal cash soon up for grabs for those who promise to replace the effect of poverty with cultural and character sterilization programs, KIPP has plans to take the lead in the 3-4 year old market.  KIPP would like to start with kids before age 3, but there is no mon

5-10-14 Schools Matter All Week
Schools Matter:  Schools Matter All WeekPoor Children Need More High Stakes Standardized TestingHow much longer will this nation and its political and corporate leaders continue to hide behind standardized testing and accountability for teachers while more children and families slip into poverty because of greedy sociopaths? Answer: as long as parents and teachers allow it.Do you think the Acosta