Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Table of Contents to My Book | deutsch29

The Table of Contents to My Book | deutsch29:

The Table of Contents to My Book

April 29, 2014

On April 27, 2014, I announced publication of my book, A Chronicle of Echoes: Who’s Who in the Implosion of American Public Education.
I realize that the Amazon.com listing of my book currently lacks the interactive component allowing shoppers the opportunity to “look inside” the book.
So, I have decided to offer some “peeks.”
In my post entitled, Bush and Rhee Endorse a Book– Fortunately, Not Mine, I included two excerpts, one from one of my Jeb Bush chapters, and one, from my Michelle Rhee chapter.
The excerpts are enlightening– all “reformer” polish removed.
Here, I wish to provide more of the book’s “big picture”: A viewing of the table of contents:
A Chronicle of Echoes: Who’s Who in the Implosion of American Public Education
Table of Contents
Acknowledgement: My Mentor, Diane Ravitch
Additional Acknowledgements
1. Joel Klein: The Man From Whom Nothing Good Comes
2. Eva Moskowitz: Stage Mother of Charter School “Success”
3. Wendy Kopp, The Leader in Temp Agency Education: Teach for America (TFA)
4. Michelle Rhee: Sociopathy Finds a Home in Ed Reform
5. Erik Hanushek: Expert Witness for “Less Doing More” in the Classroom
6. The Chicago Connection: The Daley-Vallas Years
7. The Chicago Connection: Duncan (with Obama in the Mix)
8. The Chicago Connection: Emanuel (with Obama Still in the Mix)
9. Paul Vallas Beyond Chicago: Wrecking Philadelphia
10. Paul Vallas Beyond Chicago: No Good for New Orleans or Bridgeport
11. David Coleman and His Common Core State Standards
12. Chester Finn and Frederick Hess: Pushing Reforms “Just Because”
13. Jeb Bush and His Florida Miracle (Well, Most of It)
14. Jeb Bush and His Miracle Reforms (The Rest of It)
15. Jeb Bush’s Foundation for Excellence in Education and Chiefs for Change
16. Michelle Rhee’s TNTP and StudentsFirst
17. Democrats for Education Reform (DFER) and Education Reform Now (ERN)
18. National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ), or So They Say
19. Stand for Children (Crush Their Teachers)
20. Black Alliance for Education Options (BAEO) and Parent Revolution (PR)
21. Knowledge is Power Program (KIPP): What Money Cannot Seem to Do
22. The Aspen and Pahara Institutes: Advancing Privatization in Fine Style
23. The Big Three Foundations: Gates, Walton, and Broad
24. The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC): Manipulating the Nation State by State
Conclusion: Where to from Here?
And where might one find such a book online?