Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Answer Sheet 4-15-14

The Answer Sheet:

Testing resistance movement exploding around country
The testing resistance movement is growing rapidly around the country and parents are opting out their children from high-stakes standardized tests in most states. What do test reformers want to accomplish? Monty Neill, executive director of  FairTest, explains in this post. FairTest, or the National Center for Fair and Open Testing, is dedicated to eliminating […]
The Answer Sheet 4-14-14
The Answer Sheet: The big losers in NYC charter fight: students with disabilitiesWith big bucks from Wall Street supporters behind her, charter network operator Eva Moskowitz won a fight she started with New York Mayor Bill de Blasio over charter schools. De Blasio got politically hurt in the battle after being steamrolled by Moskowitz and Gov. Andrew Cuomo — but in the end, it isn’t de Blasio who