Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Answer Sheet 4-1-14

The Answer Sheet:

But did he apply to Stanford?
Have you heard yet about 17-year-old Kwasi Enin of Shirley, N.Y., who applied to all of the eight schools in the Ivy League and got into every single one? If not, you are, by now, the only one. The William Floyd High School senior told Newsday that he couldn’t believe it when, one right after […]    

Strauss: Did Matt Damon write this?
You’ve gotta love April Fool’s Day. This morning I got an e-mail reacting to a post I wrote -- except I didn’t write the post. The reaction, though, turns out to be real. Let me back up a minute Some background: I recently published a post about how a call for congressional hearings about over-testing of students by education historian and activist Diane Ravitch was supported by, of all people,

Case study: How politicians ignore parents on school reform
If you read this blog regularly, you will be familiar with Carol Burris, an award-winning principal from New York. She has done a remarkable job for well over a year detailing the botched school reform efforts in her state.  (You can read some of her work here, here, here,  here, and here.) Below is a new post from Burris, of South Side […]    
Comparing college costs: a primer
It’s the season for colleges to accept students and then students to accept colleges. Part of the decision for many students is price, but comparing the actual cost of attending different colleges can be tricky. Here to help is Mark Kantrowitz, senior vice president and publisher of Edvisors.com, a group of web sites about planning […]    

The Answer Sheet 3-31-14
The Answer Sheet: ‘If only American teachers were smarter…’Teachers. In this school reform era, they have been targeted as “the” problem for failing schools. Are they? In this post, Jack Schneider, an assistant professor of education at the College of the Holy Cross, looks at the teaching corps and what is true about America’s teachers, what isn’t, and where to go next. Schneider is the author […]