Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sacrificing Our Children | educarenow

Sacrificing Our Children | educarenow:

Sacrificing Our Children

Can we finally move beyond the illusion that the privatization of public schools is for the benefit of kids?
All of the empirical evidence says we should.
Can we finally be honest about that fact that for profit charters simply move money from that which is set aside for the common good to corporate profits at the expense of children, particularly those in poverty and of color?
Ruth Conniff, in her article, Scathing Report Finds Rocketship, School Privatization Hurt Poor Kids, shows how this study excavates the way in which the Milwaukee school system, “ground zero for school privatization,” uses children as fodder for corporate profits.
“Lafer’s research…is a sweeping indictment of the growing private charter school industry–and other schemes backed by rightwing groups and big business–that siphon public funds out of public schools and enrich corporate investors at the expense of quality education for poor children.”
Let’s be clear- despite what you hear from the right, from Michelle Rhee Jeb Bush, and Bill Gates, etc., despite their lofty rhetoric of offering choices for poor families, despite their stated intentions of helping lift families out of poverty,the fact of the matter is that the corporate education reform movement functions in way that the educational quality Sacrificing Our Children | educarenow: