Monday, April 7, 2014

Puppets have no political party ideology: Rahm Rauner | Reclaim Reform

Puppets have no political party ideology: Rahm Rauner | Reclaim Reform:

Puppets have no political party ideology: Rahm Rauner

Rauner Emaneul
Warning: Names were not changed to protect the guilty. Designations of Republican, Democrat, Independent, Tea Party, Green, Socialist, etc. are meaningless when billionaires and multinational corporations alone are being served. Oligarchs pull strings; puppets merely puppet.
Illinois teachers were nearly persuaded to intentionally surrender some of their own deferred compensation (pensions) with SB 2404. According to Ellen Schultz in the nonfiction best-seller Retirement Heist, this is the classic way to re-open closed contractual agreements that the courts would have protected.
Illinois teachers were again nearly persuaded to intentionally vote for the recent Chairman of IL ALEC in order to avoid the worse of two evils. The assumption was that appeasement against voracious savages works. Supposedly, if teachers allowed themselves to pay more out of each paycheck for a pension they are promised will probably not be there for them when they retire, the billionaire Tea Party monster will not devour them, now, maybe.
What is so important about the billionaire Tea Party monster Bruce Rauner? What does the super Democrat, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, have to do with Rauner? Everything except height.
Mr. Emanuel represented GTCR Golder Rauner, a Chicago private equity firm that was buying the business for an affiliate. Bruce Rauner, the firm’s chairman, had first met Mr. Emanuel when he was still exploring job prospects in Chicago after getting a call from Mr. Bowles, an old friend. Instead of private equity, Mr. Rauner advised Mr. Emanuel to pursue investment banking, where his political experience might be more valuable in landing deals in regulated industries. Mr. Emanuel called him back after starting at Puppets have no political party ideology: Rahm Rauner | Reclaim Reform: