Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Old School/New School: Mail a letter or sign a petition to curb high-stakes testing | I AM AN EDUCATOR

Old School/New School: Mail a letter or sign a petition to curb high-stakes testing | I AM AN EDUCATOR:

Old School/New School: Mail a letter or sign a petition to curb high-stakes testing

npe-call-mailingThe Education Spring is blooming as people across the country are building resistance to the abuses of standardized, high-stakes testing. There are two ways for you to get involved in this movement today:
1) Go New School
On March 2, 2014, The Network for Public Education issued a call for congressional hearings into the overuse and abuse of tests in our schools.
Together, we have managed to catch the attention of Congress, we created a Twitter Storm that sent out over 20K tweets and reached 400K people via social media while trending #1, and the offices of Congress members were flooded with phone calls from concerned constituents. We continue to bring attention to the plague of over-testing and the media is beginning to take notice!
For the next part of our campaign, we’re going old school. During the month of April, we are asking our Friends & Allies to print out and mail a copy of this letter to the offices of our friends at Campaign for America’s Future in Washington D.C.. We will deliver our letters to Congress. Keep an eye out for a date and press conference details!
We are asking our Friends & Allies to take an extra step – print out a copy, slap on a stamp and drop it in a mail box. You might want to make copies and bring them to PTA meetings or pass them out to your friends and family. In this age of email and electronic media, mail in campaigns are not very common. This will make our presentation to Congress that much more effective.