Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: New study on inequity and teacher "effectiveness" misses the mark

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: New study on inequity and teacher "effectiveness" misses the mark:

New study on inequity and teacher "effectiveness" misses the mark

Yes, there's lots of evidence to show poor kids and children of color are generally being taught by teachers with less experience (or no experience) which puts them at a severe disadvantage. But the Huffington headline calling schools "racist" is one-sided and misleading. Credit instead should go to Race To The Top. To TFA. To the power philanthropists, corporate reformers, re-segregationists and private charter operators. They all contribute on this.

But a recent study from Center For American Progress takes this worthwhile exposure of discrimination and inequality to a different level. After basing their study on the new evaluation practices and teacher rating systems now in place in Louisiana and Massachusetts and accepting the premise that teacher quality can be assessed entirely or mainly on the basis of student test scores, (La. requires every teacher to be evaluated, with 50% of the evaluation rating based on test scores or  "student growth") they conclude that minority students have Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: New study on inequity and teacher "effectiveness" misses the mark: