Sunday, April 27, 2014

Marie Corfield: #NJEdTruthSquad: Just Gimme Some Truth, Jersey! #NJEdTruth

Marie Corfield: #NJEdTruthSquad: Just Gimme Some Truth, Jersey!:

#NJEdTruthSquad: Just Gimme Some Truth, Jersey!

#NJEdTruthSquad  #NJEdTruth

Remember these hash tags.

Education 'reform' may be stifling creativity and collaboration in the classroom, but it's had an unintended consequence: it's made many of us stronger advocates for public education outside the classroom. All across the country education professionals, parents and community members are joining together, taking action and speaking out against the insanity.

Many of us didn't know each other a few years ago, but we are now a band of brothers and sisters, some of whom we've never met in person; some of whom have become like family; all of whom speak the same language. We inspire, encourage, support, lift each other's spirits, and most importantly, inform.

In addition to the countless ways Jersey Jazzman does all that—and makes it look so easy—yesterday he inspired me with this simple tweet:

Then last evening, I read this excellent call to action by Anthony Cody, another education leader who continually inspires me:
"We just wanted to teach, to make a difference in the lives of our students. But when that is made impossible, then we have no choice but to get organized and fight, for ourselves, and for the students we serve." (emphasis mine)

I urge you to read the entire piece. How can any educator (or parent or concerned citizen) not get involved after reading it?

There are too many people who are flat-out wrong about public education who are in positions of power and are steering the good ship Ed 'Reform' into a typhoon, and New Jersey has more than its share. Some, like Tom Moran and Laura Waters, author of the piece Duke mentions above, are deck hands or first officers. Others, like Christie, Cami and Cerf (he's gone, but not forgotten, and still doing reformy stuff, just on a bigger scale), are captains of the ship. They sugar coat their  
Marie Corfield: #NJEdTruthSquad: Just Gimme Some Truth, Jersey!: