Thursday, April 3, 2014

Common Core, DESE and Right Wing Activists: An Occupy Wallstreet Activist Responds | Missouri Education Watchdog

Common Core, DESE and Right Wing Activists: An Occupy Wallstreet Activist Responds | Missouri Education Watchdog:

Common Core, DESE and Right Wing Activists: An Occupy Wallstreet Activist Responds

venn diagram
A lesson for Shaun Bates at DESE in Venn Diagrams. Not all anti-Common Corites are right wing activists.

Missouri taxpayers and citizens, take note.  This is how The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education classifies you if you are opposed to Common Core.  From American Spring:
Today, in a Senate hearing on Common Core legislation a leaked email from DESE became public. The email from DESE, talks about the Common Core battle being waged in Jefferson City. This email contains observations from the private lobby organization MASA, or Missouri Association of School Administrators.
This email labels opponents of Common Core as ‘right-wing activists’. It also offers a variety of empty talking points, the kind typically issued from supporters of Missourians surrendering the illusion of ‘local control’ over our districts. This slanderous, outrageous and blatantly false characterization of Common Core opponents seeks to create fertile ground for the false narrative that opponents of Common Core are ‘tea party extremists and obstructionists’ or conspiracy theorists in need of tin foil hats.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Those who stand in opposition to Common Core do so because it is another step in the advancement of a fascist takeover of our local school districts and an assault on our rights. It is about re-establishing local control, accountability   Common Core, DESE and Right Wing Activists: An Occupy Wallstreet Activist Responds | Missouri Education Watchdog: