Monday, April 7, 2014

4-7-14 Perdido Street School Week

Perdido Street School:

Why Jeb Bush Will Never Be President
Ben Smith says he'll never make it through the GOP primary:The notion that Jeb Bush is going to be the Republican presidential nominee is a fantasy nourished by the people who used to run the Republican Party. Bush has been out of a game that changed radically during the 12 years(!) since he last ran for office. He missed the transformation of his brother from Republican savior to squish; the rise

DiNapoli Opts Out Of Cuomo-Devised Trap
According to Capital Confidential, Comptroller DiNapoli released a statement explaining why he is opting out of the public campaign financing that Governor Cuomo and the legislature devised only for the comptroller's race:The Comptroller has pushed for his office to lead the way as a statewide test for public financing of campaigns since just after he took office in 2007, and the Assembly passed h

Weingarten Spins Iannuzzi Defeat As "Message To Cuomo"
From Jessica Bakeman at Capital NY:ALBANY—A vote by a state teachers' decision to overhaul its leadership may be a sign of trouble for Governor Andrew Cuomo.New York has already seen two education leaders ousted this year in elections that are rarely contested and typically undramatic.Richard Iannuzzi, a nine-year incumbent president of New York State United Teachers, was defeated by a comfortable

4-6-14 Perdido Street School Week
Perdido Street School: Solidarity ForeverWell, the results haven't been officially announced, but the pro-Andy Cuomo, Michael Mulgrew- and Randi Weingarten-backed Revive NYSUT slate has won the NYSUT election.Given how many votes the UFT bloc of delegates had and how some smaller locals had fallen in line with the larger bloc, the results were not unexpected.Despite her protests to the contrary, t