Sunday, April 6, 2014

4-6-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum

Seattle Schools Community Forum:

Seattle Schools This Week
Monday, April 7thSeattle Council PTSA General Meeting on Monday April 7th from 7-9pm.This will be a good one as the Superintendent will be there, along with top staff to answer questions.  Curriculum and Instruction Meeting from 4:30-6:30 p.m., AgendaWednesday, April 9th A really long day for some Board members that includes these meetings: Executive Committee Meeting from 8:30 am-10 am, AgendaOve

Please Vote for Prop 1
Why?1) We should not be cutting back on public transportation.  It's just ridiculous when so many people count on it especially to get to work.2) The Times says you should vote no.  That pretty much should be your tip-off to vote Yes.  From The Slog:Their reasoning? Metro should cut more costs before asking for money, and Prop 1, which includes raising car-tab fees and hiking the sales tax by 0.1
More Things that Make You Go, Hmmm
United Opt-Out, a website that has state-by-state resources for parents on how to opt their children out of tests got hacked recently.  They say it was "maliciously hacked and destroyed in an act of political sabotage."Odd, no? I mean, it's not Target or any money-making entity where you could get credit card info.  It's information for public school parents.  And yet it didn't just get

4-5-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum Week
Seattle Schools Community Forum:Seattle Schools Community ForumMore Insights from Common Core Testing in NYCThis is truly a fascinating article from the New York Times as they interviewed students about testing.I love the way it opens:William Summitt and Simon Sanders said they were ready. Their fourth-grade class at the Children’s School, near Park Slope in Brooklyn, had prepared for the state re