Saturday, April 5, 2014

4-5-14 Schools Matter All Week

Schools Matter: 

 Schools Matter All Week

Common Core Corporate Standards Floating Around in an Evidence Free Zone
 A compacted version of this op-ed was published by the Memphis Commercial Appeal.Arguments for Common Core Offer No Evidence that Learning Will ImproveJim HornThe implementation of Common Core State Standards (CCSS) represents the most grand curriculum experiment in educational history with the least amount of evidence to back it up.  Even so, Common Core enthusiasts often ridicule detractors of

APR 02

Whose Interests Are Served When United Opt Out Website Goes Down
With hundreds of billions of dollars depending upon the continuation of high stakes testing, the corporate fascists of the technology-testing complex have sent their dirty tricksters to detonate the United Opt Out website. If you don't think these billionaire thugs and their stooges are not playing for keeps, you're wrong. Until UOO gets another website up, those needing information should go here
Beware of STEM Fever
Sent to the Register-Guard, April 2, 2014Before Eugene's educators continue with their plans ("Leaders eye transforming academy to STEM school," April 1), they should know that a number of studies have concluded that there is no shortage of science-technology trained potential workers in the US.Rutgers University professor Hal Salzman has concluded that there are approximately three qual
Weingarten Pumps Common Core
Randi Weingarten just won't stop digging when she find herself in a hole dug for her by Gates and Bloomberg.  She used the latest PISA announcement yesterday to manufacture another reason to support the chosen solution that has no proof that it will do anything other than to serve as the testing delivery system for another generation of human rights abuses in schools.  

APR 01

SAMS Academy of Corruption, Albuquerque
ALBUQUERQUE (KRQE) – Scott Glasrud oversees about 800 public school students grades 4 through 12, but he makes hundreds of thousands of dollars a year doing it.That has the state’s attention.The SchoolsGlasrud’s charter schools are high-performing. Southwest Learning Center in the Heights and SAMS Academy, located next to Double Eagle, focus on science and aviation.Some students can even get
TN BATs Out of the Cave and Into the Limelight
Democracy is alive and well in those organizations that truly advocate for children and public education.  Two such organizations are Tennesseans Reclaiming Educational Excellence (TREE) and Badass Teachers of Tennessee (BATS).  Jim Horn and Denise Wilburn, authors of The Mismeasure of Education, were the guest speakers on March 1 at a Community Forum on Standardized Testing: Tested to Death in Na

MAR 31

Education is a Human Right: Stop the Human Rights Violations
A few relevant Articles from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:Article 22.         Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free

MAR 30

Misinformed about the common core
Too many people remain misinformed about the common core. Here is the latest distortion.Alan Greenblatt just attacked the Opt-Out movement, saying that it is irresponsible and selfish.  There are over 300 comments on the website.  Greeenblatt and most of those who commented have no idea what is going on. His review appears at: >
A Response to NPR's Corporate Socialist "Understanding" of United Opt Out
UOO Response to NPR's Total Misunderstanding of What United Opt Out:Of Me I Sing?… Really?(A response from the United Opt Out organizers: Morna McDermott, Tim Slekar, Ruth Rodriguez, Peggy Robertson, Ceresta Smith and Shaun Johnson)In the effort to stay “current” in reporting about the rising tide of the Opt Out movement (aka high stakes standardized testing refusal), journalists are eager to tell

MAR 29

We Need 6 Percent of Students to Opt Out
GERM Does Not Work, and NCLB's Effects Are Clear
A slide on effects of Global Education Reform Movement from Pasi Sahlberg's presentation at UOO, going on now in Denver: