Thursday, April 3, 2014

4-3-14 Ed Notes Online

Ed Notes Online:

Memo from the RTC: Professionalism, Personality, Talent – and Me
  How to Succeed cast (most of them) photo --   Follow the red line straight|down to a tiny head - mePublished in The Wave, April 4,

NYSUT Update: EIA Analyzes NYSUT Delegate Vote
My unscientific extrapolation estimates Revive NYSUT holds about 56 percent of the delegates, Stronger Together 24 percent, and 20 percent are unknown or undecided... EIA Mike Antonucci crunches the numbers based on endorsement of big local presidents for the Mulgrew/Weingarten Revive Slate.Is he missing something by assuming the rest of the delegates from the big locals will vote the way their le

PS 321K Rallies Friday Morning to Protest Awful ELA Test
...the teachers and administration are truly devastated by what a terrible test it was and how little it will tell us about our students.  This is just the beginning. Let the deformers attack the staff and parents at one of the highest performing schools in the city and the actions of one of the top principals (who also happens to be the spouse of Mark Naison).Will Carmen Farina repeat her recent

Video: Change the Stakes Rocks Opt-Out Movement
“I had people come up to me on the street and explain that their kids were sick this morning going into school, because they knew they have to take the test,” Dromm said.There is so much opt-out news I can manage to share much of it - stuff is just flying around.Former teacher and current City Councilman Danny Dromm held a press conference: More Parents Refusing NYC Standardized School Tests.A par

4-2-14 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: Janine Sopp, Opt-OuterIt was an incredible honor to stand with all of the parents, elected officials and press in Brooklyn today. It felt like a real movement, with the most lively opt out signs to decorate our celebration!.. Janine Sopp Some press on the Press Conference: Brooklyn Parents Opt Out of State Tests