Friday, April 25, 2014

4-25-14 Perdido Street School

Perdido Street School:

Obama Doubles Down On Test Scores, VAM
Some people like to blame Arne Duncan for all the fetishization of test scores and value-added measurements that have come from the Obama administration over the past six years, but as this Stephanie Simon article from Politico makes clear, the impetus comes from Obama:The formulas for measuring how much “value” a teacher adds to a student’s test scores are complex and often carry a sizable margin
Rahm Emanuel's Political Team Coordinated Parts of CNN Documentary Chicagoland
Just another example of how the mainstream media is simply an extension of the ruling class:"If it seemed as though some scenes of CNN's documentary series Chicagoland were coordinated by Mayor Rahm Emanuel's City Hall and the show's producers, that's because they were," the Chicago Tribune reports. "More than 700 emails reviewed by the Tribune reveal that the production team worked
4-24-14 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Cuomo Blames State Senate For Not Enacting His Progressive AgendaThe reason why the State Senate is not in Democratic hands is because Andrew Cuomo helped Republicans and the Independent Democratic Caucus to keep control of it.Yesterday Cuomo responded to criticism that he is not progressive enough by blaming the State Senate for failing to enact his "progessive agenda&