Friday, April 25, 2014

4-25-14 Ed Notes Online

Ed Notes Online:

Parent Activists Expose Chalkbeat Bias in Letter to Editor
We are concerned that your inadequate and one-sided coverage of the forced privatization of our schools has been unduly influenced by the same forces that have biased the Governor – the huge pocketbooks of the organizations and financiers that back them.  ...Is Chalkbeat a wholly owned subsidiary of Walmart?Chalkbeat’s failure to assign a reporter to the event  glaringly contrasts with your close

Rosie Rocks: Explaining Teacher Opposition to High Stakes Testing
I'm so glad I leaned in and taped this fantastic interview MORE/NYCORE member Rosie Frascella did with a PIX reporter -- you won't see this on the air. As Rosie spoke I kept saying (to myself) - "wow, wow, wow" as she heated up and her passion about teaching came through so clear. Rosie's interview is the best commercial teachers could have - and if the UFT had any brains they would turn

4-24-14 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: Where is the Right Wing on the Charter Takeover of Local Education?How interesting that the right opposes common core because they see it as mandates from the federal government but ignores parent trigger laws and the charter school movement, which are more invasive takeovers of local education control - by both government fiat (see NYState Cuomo backed charter give-away law remov