Friday, April 25, 2014

4-25-13 Curmudgucation


When Washington Waiver Is Washed Away, Will We Waive Weeping?
Arne Duncan, King of All Schools, has banished Washington State to an earlier age. Stripped of their flexibility (our current word the law-cancelling edict that cabinet secretaries can now apparently issue), the state must now tumble back into the unloving embrace of No Child Left Behind.In the short term, this is terrible news for the state. Under NCLB, this is the year that we should all have re

Cami, Surgery & Big Stupid Democracy
Like a cat struggling with a fascinatingly ugly hairball, the internet yesterday coughed up an extraordinary video of Cami Anderson. I do not know where she is or why (the wall behind her says "Arizona State University/GSV"), and I do not usually cover New Jersey education because so many capable, local hands already have that covered.But for the rest of us, the video answers the questio
4-24-13 Curmudgucation
CURMUDGUCATION: The Opposite of GritMy sister and her family recently returned from a visit to Thomas Edison's laboratory (because when engineery types head to greater NYC, that's their idea of a cool stop), and they took many pictures. The place is amazing-- all this space cleaned and arranged and perfectly fitted out for investigating and experimenting and engineering much of the modern world.It