Monday, April 21, 2014

4-21-14 Schools Matter

Schools Matter:

Former Teacher Describes KIPP's Special Ed Program as "a lawsuit waiting to happen"
The following excerpt is from another interview with a former KIPP teacher who was hired to solve the special education problem at one KIPP school.  This teacher served for two years at KIPP, and it was the day she ran into another car as she went to sleep on the way home after another 12 hour day that she finally decided to leave KIPP.  She offers many details about life at KIPP, including the cu

Will Harry Be Held Back in Kindergarten?

Back in December I reported on Harry, a little boy I have come to know who goes to kindergarten in the leafy suburbs of Germantown, TN.  I talked with Harry's dad yesterday and got an update on how school is going, with only 4 weeks left in the year. Harry's dexterity has improved since December, so that now he is not being downgraded for not clicking in the answers on the computerized bubble shee
4-20-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: Newark Citizens United Against CorpEd Miseducation PlanSigned by 77 local ministers:by Jim Horn / 0min 4-19-14 Schools Matter All WeekSchools Matter:  Schools Matter All WeekCitizen Jack's analysis of Michelle Rhee's recent mendaciousness"In an even more disturbing revelation heard on the tape Rhee laughs about when the tape was removed hurting the children and some even start