Sunday, April 20, 2014

4-20-14 With A Brooklyn Accent Go BATs

With A Brooklyn Accent:

Game On!!! How Common Core Changed the Face of Education Activism in the US

Teachers never were treated with much respect in the United States, but until recently they weren't demonized or singled out as responsible for the nation's problems and weaknesses. What has changed? That public education is now viewed as a major opportunity for profitable investment if it can be privatized or reorganized to allow for continuous testing and assessment. When the housing market tank
4-19-14 With A Brooklyn Accent Go BATs All Week
With A Brooklyn Accent:With A Brooklyn Accent Go BATs All WeekAnother Reason Why Public School Teachers are Silenced: They Might Expose the Wounds of PovertyA disinterested observer, coming from another place or time, would find it odd that the voices of American public school teachers are systematically excluded by those making education policy. No better example of this is the "Education Re