Monday, April 14, 2014

4-14-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum

Seattle Schools Community Forum:

Common Core Roundup (with trends and memes)

I'd been meaning to do this for awhile but every single day - in multiple news outlets - there are stories about Common Core.  I occasionally see some "good news" ones but frankly, those mostly come from Gates Foundation funded groups (or more often than not, seriously, in Forbes magazine).Let's be clear - this is not some small-scale, scattered uprising.  It is happening everywhere in t
4-13-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Seattle Times editorial on Initiative 1351The Seattle Times wrote an editorial to discourage people from signing petitions to put Initiative 1351, Class Size Reduction, on the ballot. The editorial was, of course, full of lies, misrepresentations, and unprincipled statements.I don't know where other people stand on initiatives. Lots of states don't have an initiati