Tuesday, April 1, 2014

4-1-14 Perdido Street School

Perdido Street School:

Cuomo Says Teacher Evaluations Tied To Common Core Tests Need To Be "Addressed"
Maybe he's sick of twisting himself into a pretzel trying to defend no stakes for children on the CCSS state tests for the next two years while teachers have 20% of their evaluations based upon these same test scores and can potentially lose their jobs if the scores are low enough?When the state Board of Regents in February proposed a plan to allow teachers to use the highly criticized rollout of

Opt Out Movement Grows In NY State
No wonder education reformers like Merryl Tisch and StudentsFirstNY were so shrill in their criticism of Westchester County Executive/GOP gubernatorial's announcement that he and his wife were opting their children out of the state's Common Core ELA and math tests that begin today.Astorino and his wife are just two out of thousands of parents across New York who are opting their children out of th
Chancellor Tisch Attacks Rob Astorino For Opting His Children Out Of State Tests
Yesterday the Cuomo Campaign sent State Senator George Latimer out to attack Westchester County Executive and GOP gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino for announcing that he and his wife were joining with thousands of other parents around the state and opting their children out of the Common Core state tests starting today.Today the Daily News reports that Regents Chancellor Tisch launched an atta
3-31-14 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Charter School Sector Set To Thrive In NYCThe NY Times reports the budget deal giving charter schools the right of unlimited expansion in NYC threatens de Blasio's education goals - and of course, that was always the point:Under the deal, the city would be required to find space in public buildings for charter schools, which operate independently of the school district but r