Friday, March 28, 2014

Propaganda, Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt: Rahm Style – news coverage about teacher pension cuts is NOT TRUE | Reclaim Reform

Propaganda, Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt: Rahm Style – news coverage about teacher pension cuts is NOT TRUE | Reclaim Reform:

Propaganda, Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt: Rahm Style – news coverage about teacher pension cuts is NOT TRUE

Keeping teachers in a constant state of uncertainty, fear and doubt is part of the Shock Doctrine strategy being played out today by Rahm Emanuel, the Chicago Sun-Times and other news/propaganda sources under his control or the control of his corporate sponsors who will benefit financially if pension funds can be raided.
This is NOT an episode in CNN’s propaganda news/reality TV series, Chicagoland, produced by one of Rahm’s financial backers. This is raw shock and awe.
Sun-Times pension deal lieHere is the full Chicago Sun-Times article. Since it is based in something that is not true, none of it has any credibility. Since all propaganda of import has some truths to build upon, there are probably some particulars are factual. (All believable lies are based on truth and then carried into the big lie.) There is no telling what the minor facts are.
Fred Klonsky, a quality candidate for IEA- NEA RA retired delegate, posted the events as they occurred  HEREand HERE.

Watch CTU President Karen Lewis tell the truth behind the propaganda of cutting a deal to cut active and retired teacher pensions in Chicago. (Teachers’ union and other We Are Illinois union delegates have not even been allowed “at the table” to negotiate anything about pensions.)
Chicagoland and Rahm Emanuel need to be cancelled.