Sunday, March 16, 2014

NYC Public School Parents: Video of our student privacy panel at the NPE conference in Austin last month

NYC Public School Parents: Video of our student privacy panel at the NPE conference in Austin last month:

Video of our student privacy panel at the NPE conference in Austin last month

Check out our Network for Public Education panel presentations on student privacy, held in Austin on February 29, with a short slice of my powerpoint (the rest of it is here), along with some amazing parent advocates who beat back inBloom in their respective states and districts: Jason France of Louisiana (better known as Crazy Crawfish), Rachael Stickland of Colorado, and Julie Woestehoff of Parents United for Responsible Education in Chicago.

We wrap up with Barmak Nassirian of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities, who explains why student privacy is so critical -- and so endangered -- with the weakening of FERPA by the federal government and because so many states, private organizations and vendors are eager to collect, share and data-mine your children's  information.

All of these activists still remain working on this issue, pro bono, including advocating for state legislation to protect privacy,  well aware of how defeating inBloom is only the beginning of a longer battle.

For more information about the 2014 NPE Conference, visit our website and Diane Ravitch's blog, with links to many accounts of the different panels; see also videos of  the terrific keynote speakers, including John Kuhn, Karen Lewis and Diane herself.

Many of the activists I met for the first time said it was the best conference they ever attended, as did and many with whom I was able to re-connect; and I agree.  Please become a member of NPE to support public education, be kept up to date on our activities and be invited to next year's conference. 

Thanks to Schoolhouse Live and Vincent Precht for the video.