Thursday, March 27, 2014

Missouri Senator Excoriates Gates Funded Fordham Institute Witness on Common Core | Missouri Education Watchdog

Missouri Senator Excoriates Gates Funded Fordham Institute Witness on Common Core | Missouri Education Watchdog:

Missouri Education Watchdog

Missouri Senator Excoriates Gates Funded Fordham Institute Witness on Common Core

honest practicum
Fordham witness needs to be reminded by Missouri Senator how much Gates Foundation gave Fordham for its Common Core support.

The Missouri Torch provides video of Michael Brickman’s testimony in Missouri yesterday in support of Common Core.  Bless Mr. Brickman’s heart, he cares so much about us in Missouri, he came to testify to help us save Common Core standards so we won’t have the worst educational results in the United States:
Sen. Brian Nieves will be missed in the Senate. This pit bull couldn’t understand why Michael Brickman would get on a plane and fly from Washington, DC to Jefferson City, Missouri to  Missouri Senator Excoriates Gates Funded Fordham Institute Witness on Common Core | Missouri Education Watchdog: