Sunday, March 9, 2014

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Was Rahm lying about a deal with Preckwinkle?

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Was Rahm lying about a deal with Preckwinkle?:

Was Rahm lying about a deal with Preckwinkle?

Last week's interview with S-T City Hall reporter Fran Spielman, Rahm claimed Toni Preckwinkle has promised him that she won't run against him.

“She has said that and I believe she’s a person of her word. … I believe she’s not running.
I wrote (prophetically?) :  "If he's telling the truth (big if)..." A big IF indeed. Now Preckwinkle's people are denying that she ever made such a promise. Check out this interview with Spielman and other reporters on CST-TV.


Her political people sent different signals and said, no she didn't really say that.