Thursday, March 13, 2014

Louisiana Parents: That Nameless Pilot Test is None Other Than PARCC | deutsch29

Louisiana Parents: That Nameless Pilot Test is None Other Than PARCC | deutsch29:

Louisiana Parents: That Nameless Pilot Test is None Other Than PARCC

March 13, 2014

Corporate reform loves opaque communications. Never call a thing what it is. Use catchy lingo that disguises (and often contradicts) the reality behind a so-called reform. If this does not work, rebrand. Rename.
Or drop the naming altogether. Anything to obscure the privatizer-benefiting true intent. This way, a disgruntled public might be fooled into believing that the reform in question has simply disappeared.
Such is Louisiana Superintendent John White’s game with both the highly-controversial Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and its exploitative andlucrative sidekick, the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC).
Since February 17, 2014, White has been emailing a “2014-15 Sample Test Question of the Day.”
Here is the explanation that accompanies each sample test question of the day: