Sunday, March 9, 2014

Leadership Attitude(s) | Connected Principals

Leadership Attitude(s) | Connected Principals:

So one of the reasons that I love spending all day with Middle School kids is because they are constantly reminding me about what really matters in life. A day doesn’t go by without me being inspired by their openness, their honesty, their awkwardness, or their desire to do the right thing. The learning that happens at this age is so pure, and I think it’s beautiful that they live their lives so e

Leadership Attitude(s)

Originally published by Johnny Bevacqua on Figuring It Out

I have a style issue.  No, I’m not walking around wearing my 1980′s acid washed jeans or rugby pants…(oh the good old days…)
The “style” issue I am referring to has to do with leadership.
 To be blunt – I don’t think I have a leadership style.  
 Instead, what I have come to see are some personal attitudes that have sustained me throughout my time in school administration.
 Upon reflection, here are a few of the attitudes that have helped me along the way:
I trust therefore I lead. 
Trust has been the currency that has allowed me to be effective as an administrator.  The more trust I give away – the more I seem to get in return.  More than simply waiting to trust, I have often sought out opportunities to trust – whether it be with colleagues or students.  The results?  I have been blessed in my career to work with people who have responded to my trust with support, integrity and an inspiring ethic of care. Coincidentally, as parent I am realizing that one of the