Friday, March 14, 2014

Eva Moskowitz's Shameful Misuse of Civil Rights | Camille Rivera

Eva Moskowitz's Shameful Misuse of Civil Rights | Camille Rivera:

Eva Moskowitz's Shameful Misuse of Civil Rights

Just when you think you've seen everything, something comes along that knocks you off your feet.
Just a week after charter school queen Eva Moskowitz invaded the capital -- flanked by thousands of parents, children and teachers she practically required to attend from her 22 schools that she closed for the political rally -- she announced a civil rights suit against the city for denying three of her eight requested charter school co-locations.
Civil rights?
As Georgetown professor Michael Eric Dyson pointed out: this is a "[shameful] use of civil rights language to try to justify an attack on the civil rights of all children. This is fundamentally uncivil and against every tenet of the Civil Rights Movement that we can think of."
I couldn't agree more.
Moskowitz is trying to paint herself as a defender of black and Latino children, but really her war on Mayor Bill de Blasio is not about children or civil rights. It's about Moskowitz wanting more power, more profit for her 22 schools and demanding to get everything she wants, just like she did in the Bloomberg administration. As we think about civil rights, we think about the Campaign for Fiscal Equity lawsuit that