Sunday, March 16, 2014

Colorado Parents: Push Back Guide for Bullying During Opt Out/Refusal | United Opt Out National

Colorado Parents: Push Back Guide for Bullying During Opt Out/Refusal | United Opt Out National:


 Colorado parents have received their share of bullying and intimidation tactics during the month of March. We have created this guide specific to the situations they have experienced which include armed security guards meeting them at the door and security guards escorting child/parent to car when they attempt to come to school after testing hours are done for the day.  Children have been “quarantined, sequestered, segregated”  (yes – these words are used by the folks doing the bullying) away from the students (sometimes for the whole day) if they return to school after testing hours, for fear they will hear answers and then decide to take the test – even though they have already submitted an opt out/refusal letter.

Parents have been told that if their child does not take the test the child may not attend field trips and/or end of year activities. Parents have been told that if the child does not take the test the child may not qualify for AP or honors classes and may NOT be exited from ELA (English Language Acquisition classes).
One child was followed by a monitor for the afternoon for fear that the child might hear something about the test answers and then decide to take the makeup test. A parent found a policeman at his door – sent by the Colorado Dept. of Education – after the parent called the CDE to explain his desire to opt  Colorado Parents: Push Back Guide for Bullying During Opt Out/Refusal | United Opt Out National: