Friday, March 21, 2014

6 Reasons why the Common Core Standards are a big fail: The facts down and dirty | Seattle Education

6 Reasons why the Common Core Standards are a big fail: The facts down and dirty | Seattle Education:

6 Reasons why the Common Core Standards are a big fail: The facts down and dirty

Photos of students with their grades posted in the hallway of Beechwood Pre-K-5 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania per their test scores with students with the highest tesst scores on top and going down from there. The Wall of Shame for most students. Teachers now put up similar "data boards" in their classrooms. It's all part of the CCS plan.
Photos of students with their grades posted in the hallway of Beechwood Pre-K-5 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania per their test scores with students with the highest test scores on top and going down from there. The Wall of Shame for most students. Teachers now put up similar “data boards” in their classrooms. It’s all part of the CCS plan.
The Common Core Standards:
  • Dumbs down education by teaching to the test and the narrowing of curriculum.
  • Requires millions of dollars to provide books, teaching plans, handouts, tests and homework sheets. (See below.) This does not include the necessary upgrading of a school and District’s tech system, the cost of computers, downtime of librarians and teaching staff to proctor the exams and of course, class time.
  • Does not allow for the development of creative and critical thinking skills.
  • Is high stakes. Low test results could lead to teachers being fired, schools closed or converted into charter schools per Race to the Top requirements. Chicago (Rahm