Friday, March 7, 2014

3-7-14 @ The Chalk Face


Predatory Reform Strikes Again: Kahn Academy and College Board
Kahn Academy and College Board have joined forced to “revise” college SAT testing! And they’ve brought their buddies ALEC, Gates, and McKinsey along for the ride. Predatory reform strikes again. Kahn Academy is the darling of education “reformers” and entrepreneurs, spearheading the movement to provide online instruction in lieu of bodied and interactive learning, to […]

Washington State Legislature Considers Tying Test Scores to Teacher and Principal Evaluations
Two bills currently under consideration before the legislature in Olympia, Senate Bill 5880 and House Bill 2800, would mandate the inclusion of state test scores in both teacher and principal evaluations. These bills were introduced after US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan told Governor Jay Inslee that he would not consider extending a NCLB waiver currently in place […]

A Schneider Debriefing on Weingarten
On Sunday, March 2, 2014, I participated in a much-publicized Common Core (CCSS) panel with four other individuals as part of the Network for Public Education (NPE) first annual conference in Austin, Texas. (A 40-minute video of the CCSS panel can be found here; a five-minute video excerpt of my seven-minute opener can be found here.) One […]

David Coleman’s Latest Khan
Originally posted on the becoming radical:Maybe we need a Khan Academy video series to help the public in the U.S. understand the term “free.” When you are driving late at night, and you are in unfamiliar rural America in need of a hotel, you see a relatively rundown hotel with a sign announcing “FREE…
David Coleman’s Latest Khan
David Coleman’s Latest Khan. via David Coleman’s Latest Khan.Filed under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical
STANDARDIZED Brings a Suppressed Crisis to the Screen
Daniel Hornberger & Company’s new documentary, STANDARDIZED: Lies, Money, and Civil Rights, finally brings into a clear focus why the testing culture sitting atop national Common Core standards is absolutely dangerous. The film includes testimony and experiences from a handful of very knowledgeable and passionate professors, teachers, activists, and parents.  At roughly an hour-and-a half, […]
3-6-14 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: @thechalkface | MX2 Media@thechalkface | MX2 Media: MX2 Media is proud to announce the launch of @thechalkface – a new, weekly, one-hour talk show dedicated to education. @thechalkface is the only talk on the radio about education by educators.@the chalkface is known for its commitment to the hard facts with a humorous twist. Hosts Tim Slekar and Shaun Johnsoncover the biggest “r