Thursday, March 6, 2014

3-6-14 Scathing Purple Musings | Color me purple in Florida

Scathing Purple Musings | Color me purple in Florida, red in Washington, dark sky-blue in Israel and public school in Education:

How John Kirtley’s Push for Voucher in Florida Benefits John Kirtley

Miami Herald reporter Kathleen McGrory has the latest on expansion of  Florida’s voucher program: TALLAHASSEE — Nearly 200 schoolchildren greeted Senate President Don Gaetz last month when he visited a Catholic school in Pensacola to get a first-hand look at the impact of Florida’s controversial school voucher program. Gaetz said he left St. John the Evangelist Catholic School convinced that the F
3-5-14 Scathing Purple Musings | Color me purple in Florida
Scathing Purple Musings | Color me purple in Florida, red in Washington, dark sky-blue in Israel and public school in Education: Fact-Checking Rick Scott’s Sketchy Education ClaimsIt didn’t take long for the media call Rick Scott on one of his education claims from his State of the State address yesterday. In his attempt to take credit for “four schools in the nation’s top ten” PolitiFact responds