Thursday, March 6, 2014

3-6-14 Ed Notes Online

Ed Notes Online:

EvaGate: Media Worm Turning on Moskowitz - and Cuomo
...what is potentially precedent setting is Moskowitz’s possibly using taxpayer money given to her school for the purposes of educating kids and using it instead to finance a political protest that deployed those kids as lobbyists for her agenda. Also precedent setting is what this does to the definition of the very term “public school.” Remember, charters are privately administered but they are s

De Blasio Wasting His Charter Election Mandate - It is Time for He and Tish James to Make a Stand
Candidate de Blasio promised he’d start charging well-financed charter schools that got rent-free use of space in public schools. He did not like the idea of two different sets of kids getting different educations under the same school roof. One group gets a quasi-private school with no overhead in public school space. Grade that F — for favoritism.Mayor de Blasio is just doing what he promised

3-5-14 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: Chicago: Testing Opt-Out Capital: Chicago: Testing Opt-Out CapitalIn some cases, principals have told teachers they will be arrested if they leaflet parents on the public sidewalks outside their schools, even though the teachers are distributing the materials on their own time.The explosion of the Chicago Opt Out movement comes despite orders from CPS administrators -- usually &qu