Monday, March 3, 2014

3-3-14 LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD

LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District):

Teachers union plans leaflet push for raises, smaller classes
The Los Angeles teachers union, UTLA, is planning to blanket the district with leaflets tomorrow to build support among parents for smaller class sizes, fully staffed schools and raises. With help from health and human services workers, teachers intend to pass out informational leaflets before and, in some cases, after school. The leaflets ask parents to contact LA Unified board members to push fo

Zimmer introducing plan to give students a role with school board
Fresh off his (unsuccessful) effort to get a District 1 voice onto the LA Unified school board right away, trustee Steve Zimmer is returning to the monthly board meeting tomorrow with a plan that would lead to another voice with influence on the board: Students. Zimmer is introducing a measure — the Student Engagement and Empowerment Resolution of 2014 — that would create a student advisory member

Vergara lawyers await decision on whether to let case proceed
Plaintiffs’ lawyer Marcellus McRae After a one-week recess, the court resumes tomorrow in the case of Vergara vs. California. Attorneys for both the defense and the nine student plaintiffs are gearing up for what could turn out to be a critical juncture in this landmark case. Before Superior Court Judge Rolf Treu is whether to throw the case out or let it proceed with the defense calling its serie
Morning Read: LAUSD board to consider more computer science
L.A. school board to consider expansion of computer science offerings An initiative to address the shortage of computer science offerings in the L.A. Unified School District will go before the school board Tuesday. Only one-in-three of the district’s high schools are offering a basic course this year, and far fewer are offering the Advanced Placement Computer Science course.  KPCC Boyle Heights s
2-28-14 LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD
LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District): Morning Read: LAUSD says it needs billions for school repairsBillions would be needed to repair L.A. schools, officials say Maintaining Los Angeles Unified campuses will be difficult because of staffing and funding shortages combined with repair backlogs, aging buildings and more than 100 new schools, off