Wednesday, March 26, 2014

3-26-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL

Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL:

“Knowledge Motivates Preschoolers More Than Stickers, Study Says”
Ho-hum — yet another study has been published demonstrating that extrinsic motivation is less effective than intrinsic motivation, even though that doesn’t deter proponents of merit pay and other forms of classroom punishments and rewards. Education Week reports that: Offering meaningful knowledge is “an effective tool for enhancing task engagement in preschool-age children,” the researchers wrot
Billionaire’s Ballot Initiative To Divide California Into Six States Is Insane, But It’s A Gift To Geography Teachers
Venture capitalist and billionaire Tim Draper is getting tired of paying taxes to help the rest of us, so he wants to divide California into six states. And he’s bankrolling an initiative that’s close to getting on the ballot to do just that. A billionaire meddling into things he knows little about but that would have a major impact on a lot of low-and-moderate income people. There seems to be a l

“The Certainty of Donald Rumsfeld (Part 2)” Is As Good As Part One!
Yesterday, I posted about Part One of Errol Morris multi-part series in The New York Times on The Certainty of Donald Rumsfeld (see “Unknown Unknowns” & The Potential Of An Exceptional Theory Of Knowledge Lesson). Part Two just came out, and it’s as good as Part One. Here’s an excerpt: The known known, the known unknown and the unknown unknown seemingly have straightforward interpretations. O
My New BAM! Podcast: What Are The Benefits & Challenges Of A One-To-One Program?
My latest nine-minute BAM! Radio Podcast is on What Are the Real Benefits of a 1:1 Program? What Are the Biggest Challenges? Educators Alice Barr and Troy Hicks share their thoughts, and they are also among contributors to one of my future Education Week columns on the topic. I’m adding it to The Best Resources On “One-To-One” Laptop/Tablet Programs.

Origami & The Language Experience Approach
In the Language Experience Approach, students do an activity and then used the shared experience to develop a group written description of what just happened, as well as using it as a good speaking, listening, and reading opportunity. It’s a great language learning activity. Making origami can be a good task for students to do, with students either all doing the same thing or choosing different o
The Best Resources For Learning About Mudslides
The terrible tragedy in Washington State happened five days ago, and the search for survivors continues. I don’t know about you, but I’m certainly not very familiar with danger of mudslides, and am creating this list and will add it to A Compilation Of “The Best…” Lists About Natural Disasters. I’ll start off with this New York Times video on The Science of Mudslides. Extent of the Mudslide is a
3-25-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: “8 Tips for Reaching Out to Parents”8 Tips for Reaching Out to Parents is a very good list of suggestions by educator David Cutler that has been published by Edutopia. Here is one of his suggestions: 6. Call Home to Report Good News Parents rarely receive a positive call home. Twice a semester, I make a point to call and te