Tuesday, March 25, 2014

3-25-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher

Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.:

Urgent. Charter bill witness slips needed. Now.
The House version of the charter school accountability act passed successfully out of committee. The Senate version of that same bill, SB 3030 will be heard in committee this afternoon. We have been told that it will face a much tougher hurdle in getting out of committee than its House counterpart. Fill out witness slip here.

A message from the Ken Swanson, the IEA President who gave us Senate Bill 7.
A NOTE TO ALL ILLINOIS TEACHERS FROM KEN SWANSON – former IEA President….. Hi Everyone, I wish to add my voice to those coming to the defense of IEA and its current leadership. I have nothing but great praise for the efforts to nominate Sen. Dillard. It would have been easy to buy into the defeatist attitude of those who argued there was no way and it couldn’t be done. Well, it was nearly accompl
Squeezy defends collective bargaining. In theory.
A former IEA leader who was running for another top office came to our Region asking for support.  Given his support for Senate Bill 7 – which took away our seniority and tenure rights, linked teacher performance and evaluations to student test scores and raised the bar for strike authorization – I asked him if there was anything that he absolutely wouldn’t bargain. He thought for a moment. Or tw

Illinois set to put major limits on charter schools. Act now.
Illinois charter school operators are about to face major legislative restrictions on their expansion of operations. This is big. But you must make your phone calls and file witness slips. HB 3754, a bill sponsored in the House by State Representative LInda Chapa LaVia, a Democrat from Aurora would defang the Charter School Commission of its authority to overturn a decision by an elected local sc
3-24-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: CPS continues its ethnic cleansing of its teaching faculty.  Photo: George Schmidt, Substance. The announcement late Friday that CPS was closing three more schools – calling them turn-arounds – was an attempt to bury the story of the system’s continuing efforts at the ethnic cleansing of the teaching
by mike simpson / 8h