Tuesday, March 25, 2014

3-25-14 @ The Chalk Face


What Common Core Looks Like In Desperation
It seems that the protests of the American citizen against the so-called Common Core State Standards (CCSS) has become proverbial grains of sand in the works of the mammoth corporate reform machine. Die-hard supporters of CCSS are becoming desperate, and such is showing in their words and actions. Consider Jeb Bush’s declaration, “In Asia today, they […]

Are We (Finally) Ready to Face Teacher Education’s Race Problem?
Are We (Finally) Ready to Face Teacher Education’s Race Problem?. via Are We (Finally) Ready to Face Teacher Education’s Race Problem?.

What to Expect When Your State is Being Run Amok

I had the unique experience of living in several states as the reform onslaught took hold over America’s public schools.  Each state had its nuances, its preferences, its prejudices, and its own structure.  I also had the priviledge of living in New York State just as the shit was hitting the fan and parents decided […]
3-24-14 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: “Grit”: Demanding Superhuman from African Americans, Impoverished“Grit”: Demanding Superhuman from African Americans, Impoverished. via “Grit”: Demanding Superhuman from African Americans, Impoverished.1 by plthomasedd / 27min 3-23-14 @ The Chalk Face@ THE CHALK FACE: Of the thousands of slacktivists, we only have 1,756 signatures?I know what you’re going to say: petitions don’t